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7th Kellogg Greater China Business Conference 2014年5月10日(土) Webストリーミング

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7th Kellogg Greater China Business Conference

China’s Prosperity – the Future of Investment and Consumption

名称 China’s Prosperity – the Future of Investment and Consumption
日時 2014年5月10日(土) 日本時間23:00~翌3:00/米国時間(CDT) 9:00~13:00
Keynotes Dr. Christian Murck Former President, American Chamber of Commerce in China
Qingtong Zhou Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer, Lenovo
参加費 Early Bird Rate: $8 (4月25日までにご購入の方)
Regular Rate: $15
会場 Webストリーミング
(KelloggのJames L. Allen Centerより中継)
申込み ※本カンファレンスは、どなたでも視聴できます。
主催 Kellogg Greater China Business Conference


After more than three decades of rapid economic growth, China’s wealth is now a source of immense opportunity and speculation. Domestically, Chinese consumer demand is growing rapidly with tremendous opportunities for Chinese and multinational businesses. Internationally, the country’s massive capital reserves stand as a potential springboard for Chinese enterprises poised to go global. What does this mean for Chinese enterprises and entrepreneurs? How will multinational companies be affected by the consumption and investment by China’s prosperity?

Since 2006, Kellogg’s Greater China Business Conference has answered these types of questions as one of the country’s leading student-run conference on Chinese business issues. In this tradition, we present the 2014 Greater China Business Conference: China’s Prosperity — The Future of Investment and Consumption, examining areas of opportunity associated with China’s national wealth. The conference will feature leading professional and academic experts with one keynote presentation, three discussion panels, and an in-depth, fireside chat:

Panel 1: China Economy Panel
Focusing on potential challenges and opportunities, this panel will discuss the source of China’s wealth and the possibility for further growth fueled by domestic consumption and international expansion. Will these forces combine to propel China’s rise for another thirty years?

Panel 2: Chinese Enterprises Panel
As Chinese enterprises strive to capture more domestic consumer demand and MNCs keep exploring the China market, this panel will analyze how Chinese enterprises can achieve their goals in the face of fierce competitions and new challenges in both China domestic market and global market.

Panel 3: Overseas Companies Panel (*)
Similarly, as China’s economic prowess continues to rise, this panel will address how incumbent multinational companies should handle the competition from Chinese challengers? What are their new China strategies when facing more competitions in both China market and international arena?

China’s Prosperity — The Future of Investment and Consumption take place on May 10, 2014 at Kellogg’s Allen Center in Evanston, Illinois. It will also feature a webinar platform to help connect with remote audience members. Join us to understand more about China’s modern prosperity and to connect with other professionals helping to shape the country’s future.

* Panel3はWebストリーミングでは配信されません。

Agenda (※米国時間表記)
9:00 AM – 9:10 AM – Welcome Address, Dean Sally Blount, Kellogg School of Management
9:10 AM – 9:20 AM – Opening Address: Chinese Consul General to Chicago, Honorable Weiping Zhao
9:20 AM – 10:00 AM – Opening Keynote: China’s Prosperity: Domestic Consumption and Outbound Expansion
10:15 AM – 11:30 AM – Economic Panel: The Future of China Wealth
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM – Chinese Enterprises Panel: How Should Chinese Enterprises Handle Their Expansion in the Context of Globalization?



christianmurckDr. Christian Murck
Former President, American Chamber of Commerce in China


Mr. Christian Murck is a member of the International Advisory Council of APCO Worldwide. He is based in New York, NY having returned in August 2013 after twenty-two years in Asia. He is also a trustee of the Yale-China Association, and a member of the Investment Committee of the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, whose full board he will join in June 2014.
Chris served 2003-2008 on the Board of Directors of Bank of Shanghai. In 2008 he resigned to become independent director of J.P. Morgan Chase (China) Co. Ltd. He chaired the Audit and Related Party Transaction Control Committees. In 2014 he resigned in order to return to the U.S.
From 2010 to 2013, Chris was President, American Chamber of Commerce in China, leading a staff of approximately fifty people in a chamber known for its policy and advocacy work and for innovative public-private partnerships in aviation, clean energy, healthcare, agriculture and food, work safety, and export compliance. From 2001 to March 2010, Chris served variously as Vice Chairman-Asia, Chief Executive Officer-Asia and Managing Director-China of APCO Worldwide. In that capacity, he advised clients on government relations, public affairs and corporate communication in China and the broader Asia Pacific region.
Chris received a PhD in East Asian Studies from Princeton University in 1978. His undergraduate education was at Yale University.

qingtong zhouQingtong Zhou
Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer, Lenovo

Mr. Christian Murck is a member of the International Advisory Council of APCO Worldwide. He is based in New York, NY having returned in August 2013 after twenty-two years in Asia. He is also a trustee of the Yale-China Association, and a member of the Investment Committee of the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, whose full board he will join in June 2014.
Chris served 2003-2008 on the Board of Directors of Bank of Shanghai. In 2008 he resigned to become independent director of J.P. Morgan Chase (China) Co. Ltd. He chaired the Audit and Related Party Transaction Control Committees. In 2014 he resigned in order to return to the U.S.
From 2010 to 2013, Chris was President, American Chamber of Commerce in China, leading a staff of approximately fifty people in a chamber known for its policy and advocacy work and for innovative public-private partnerships in aviation, clean energy, healthcare, agriculture and food, work safety, and export compliance. From 2001 to March 2010, Chris served variously as Vice Chairman-Asia, Chief Executive Officer-Asia and Managing Director-China of APCO Worldwide. In that capacity, he advised clients on government relations, public affairs and corporate communication in China and the broader Asia Pacific region.
Chris received a PhD in East Asian Studies from Princeton University in 1978. His undergraduate education was at Yale University.



Greater China Business Conference
Introduction Video